Duncan Beckel
Singer / Songwriter
My name is Duncan Beckel
Duncan is a 19 years old and a Freshman at The Ohio State University in the Fischer School of Business scholars program. Duncan Is a gymnast and has qualified for the Men's Gymnastics National Championships the last 4 years in a row. He currently competes for the Indyohio Hyenas and hopes to join Ohio States men's gymnastics team next season. Duncan started his career in showbusiness at age 6 before landing his role at 7 on Mother Goose Club playhouse where he starred for 6 years on Disney XD and PBS. He became well known enough he only went by his real name on the show Duncan. During this time Duncan fell in love with Music. Duncan has starred in many commercials and just wrapped filming a movie in Cincinnati which is set for release in the summer of 2025 called Hear to Heal. The song on the Album Hey Leo is from that movie. Duncan plays electric and acoustic guitar, ukulele and piano.